Lower Bleph

Under eye Bags

Lower eyelid bags and dark circles are some of the most common cosmetic concerns. Patients usually complain that these eye bags and dark circles make them look and feel tired.

There are multiple reasons for the development of these problems including skin changes, herniation of orbital fat, loss of volume or sagging of the cheeks. In addition life style factors like lack of sleep, improper diet, increased sun exposure and allergens can also contribute to under-eye ageing. Any rejuvenation plan needs to consider all these variables and should aim to design an individualized plan for each patient. Unfortunately most surgeons use only one or two techniques for these problems. The problem with this “ cookie-cutter” approach is that each individual has a unique ageing pattern and thus requires a unique treatment plan. Not everyone will need surgery, and not everyone can be helped with non-invasive means of treatment.

The various treatment options for rejuvenation include under eye fillers, lower blepharoplasty and lasers or peels. Blepharoplasty surgery is performed in the lower eyelid to either remove or reposition the herniated orbital fat which form “eyebags”. This can be performed either from the inside or outside of the eyelid, and can be combined with other procedures that tighten the eyelid and lift the midface to get the best results. Lasers and peels are exfoliative treatments performed to rejuvenate the periocular skin and address fine wrinkles around the eyes. A well-trained oculoplastic surgeon specializes in eyelid rejuvenation and should be trusted for the best results.

Contact our team to know more about scheduling a consultation for under eye bags.

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