Eyelid retraction and proptosis
Active inflammation in thyroid eye disease

Thyroid eye Disease

Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune disease affecting the eyes and surrounding tissues, which originates due to a disorder of the thyroid gland. The eye disease causes the fat and muscles around the eyes to increase in size pushing the eyeball forward, leading to the appearance of wide-open, bulging eyes which looks unsightly and causes symptoms such as dryness, sensitivity to light and foreign body sensation. This in turn can also cause vision problems due to inability to close the eyes or pressure on the optic nerve. Thyroid eye disease can also lead to crossed eyes, as the disease process affects the eye muscles, leading to double vision.

The assessment of thyroid eye disease involves a thorough examination of the eye, its surface, eyelids, surrounding tissue (orbit) and general health (including thyroid hormone status) and needs to be performed regularly for ensuring control of the disease.

The treatment of thyroid eye disease is multi-pronged and involves conservative management of symptoms using drops and vitamin supplements, medical management of acute worsening of symptoms with steroids, injectables such as steroid injections, botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid filler for temporary relief of eyelid tightening, surgery to correct bulging of the eyes, wide- eyed look and crossed eyes, adjunctive treatment with immunotherapy and radiotherapy and most importantly, control of thyroid hormone status in consultation with an endocrinologist.

One or multiple methods of the above treatments maybe combined to provide a customized management plan depending on the severity and stage of the disease and the general health of the individual.

Thyroid eye disease is an uncommon and complicated condition and requires management from a well-trained doctor who has had experience in seeing such patients. If you have been diagnosed with thyroid hormone disorder (hyperthyroidism/ Graves disease/ hypothyroidism/ Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), it is important to consult an oculoplastic surgeon to ensure a baseline examination and regular monitoring, if needed.

Contact our team to know more about scheduling a consultation for thyroid eye disease.

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